NJ State exam


High Pressure Black seal

EXPERIENCE: 90 days experience with a boiler over 100 hp or over 4 million BTU with a steam pressure greater than 15 PSI but no greater than 160 PSI for a hot water system

ENDORSEMENTS: Endorsement from the manager where you’re employed and an endorsement from a licensed engineer with a Blue Seal or higher

Blue seal

EXPERIENCE: Possess a High Pressure Black Seal for at least 6 months, experience on boilers with over 500 boiler hp and over 15 PSI steam pressure and over 160 PSI for a hot water system

ENDORSEMENTS: Endorsement from the manager where you’re employed and an endorsement from a licensed engineer with a Blue Seal or higher

NJ State exam

Arrive 15 minutes early for the exam

Bring a photo ID

Check in when you get to your exam location

Do NOT bring phones, notes, food, or beverages

ZERO tolerance cheating policy, you will be immediately disqualified

“Success is not the result of luck, but the reward for preparation, hard work, and perserverance. Believe in your journey, trust your effort, and let this be just one more step toward the future you’ve been working for.”